The Man Who Sued God 3
The Man Who Sued God 3
Do you consider Job’s life a Tragedy or Comedy?
Since reading about his life, I have grappled with this question. It’s difficult because although he eventually received double compensation for his troubles, nobody wants to go through such a devastating tragedy for double the wealth and influence.
We do not know much about the man Job became afterwards, but I bet he had a new ideology on human behaviour, fear and wealth. But it is more than the wealth. Job emerged from his trials with a deeper revelation of God. He alludes to this fact in Chapter 42:5: “I had only heard about you before, but now I have seen you with my own eyes.” [NLT]
This statement outlines the fact that people tend to find God in times of deep tribulations. The only explanation would be that God is indeed with us in tribulations, no matter how hard it seems to recognize.
Although there are many lessons to learn from Job’s life, I believe that two lessons stand out for us, today:
1. Satan is very good at his job.
Take a minute to consider what the devil inflicted on Job within just 24 hours. His ability to perpetrate catastrophe at a moment’s notice is nothing short of evil.
I once wrote an unpublished article about the devil’s work ethic and how he works multiple jobs as both ‘Accuser’ and ‘Destroyer.’ This individual has a robust ‘Kill file’ on everyone and all he needs is a fraction of a second to present it in the courts in heaven.
Now, if he could inflict such devastation on an upright man like Job, imagine the evidence he has against us.
Thankfully we don't have to outwork the Accuser, thanks to lesson 2.
2. Your attorney is better.
The key difference between us and Job is that he didn't have an attorney on standby to plead his case — but you do. Yes, he had the hedge of protection [Job 1:10], but a man without an attorney, will eventually be run over by the law.
This insight helps us to grasp when the Bible says: “It is of the Lord’s mercies that we are not consumed because his compassions fail not’[Lam 3:22].”
Thankfully, our Attorney is our brother — and the judge is our father.
He’s so good at His job that He has fully taken our place, so we don't need to show up in court, Forever indemnifying us.
His defence is simple: Objection, My Lord! My Blood.
Although we may not agree on whether Job’s life was a tragedy or a comedy, we can agree on what yours is. Right?
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